Emulators: 0index ?? This index. 800xldj.lzh 180 Atari 8bit Disk drive emulator. alaspec.arc 13 Transfer aladin to spectre disks and vice versa appleemu.arc 37 Emulate an Apple II. I don't know why, but heh.... cpm.arc 149 Emulate a cpm machine. ghost.arc 20 Exchanges aladin - spectre - mac disks speccy.zip 54 Another? Spectrum ZX emulator from Germany specstuf.arc 32 Spectre utilities. spectrum.lzh 544 Spectrum ZX emulator v.1.0 Docs in German stxf255.lzh 284 Emulate an 8bit atari. stxfp.arc 27 Transfer ST files to 8 bit format stxpp2.arc 63 A couple of 8bit disks in SD or DD format zest.lzh 47 NeXT Simulator demo. Todd likes this one. Mono only. zx81.lzh 99 Emulate a zx81. Fun fun fun. zxupload.arc 7 Transfer files between the ZX and the ST. zx_sp207.lzh 583 Another ZX/Spectrum emulator. mmac_sea.hqx Magic mac demo (10 mins long). Needs a mac/68030 to run /end of Emulators directory/